Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Moses and the Bill of Rights

Last night at Faith of our Founders group (we study and discuss the Christian faith and actions of the founders) we sort of chuckled when we heard that tour guides tell people that the statue in the Supreme Court building is Moses with the Bill of Rights. I checked this on Google, and found another account of this from Religious News Service which gives some background. Of course, rather than seeing what is plainly the message of the sculpture, the guides use information that is unattributed. It’s like the Jefferson fathering children with a slave story—there are no male descendants of Jefferson from which to get a DNA sample, but the lie of a scoundrel and convict is used as a source, and a modern writer (Ellis) who lied even about his own history as a war veteran. Whether witnessing about the truth of the cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ or the truth of the faith of the founders, some of us will meet people who chose darkness and misinformation. Don’t be discouraged, continue with the truth.
When the Supreme Court justices consider whether the Ten Commandments should be displayed on government property, they will do so under the watchful eyes of Moses.

The Jewish lawgiver is depicted several times in the stone and marble edifice that is the Supreme Court building, and so are the Ten Commandments. In sculpture, Moses sits as the prominent figure atop the building's east side, holding two tablets representing the Ten Commandments. And on the wall directly behind the chief justice's chair, an allegorical "Majesty of Law" places his muscular left arm on a tablet depicting the Roman numerals I through X.

Believers are convinced those are indeed the commandments given to Moses as described in the biblical Book of Exodus. Others [including staff] say the 10 numbers represent the Bill of Rights.

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