Thursday, August 16, 2012

Both parties claim this

“It’s the President who took $716 billion from the Medicare program to spend on Obamacare. That’s cuts to current seniors that will lead to less services for current seniors. We won't do that. We actually say end the raid and restore that, so that those seniors today get the benefits that they organized their lives around.” Paul Ryan

Obama says he will save Medicare and Seniors by removing waste and fraud, and taking money from providers, but he’s moving that savings to Obamacare.  Ryan is doing pretty much the same thing, but giving it to seniors.  (I do wonder since 3 of the 4 candidates are/were members of Congress, why they couldn’t have tackled the waste and fraud issues before now.)  You’ll be the judge in November.  Ryan’s voucher plan won’t affect me or anyone over age 55, but for the rest of you it sounds like a good deal.  You’ll be able to buy the same health care that federal workers get or you can choose regular Medicare. Woot!  Choices always mean lower prices.   Someone has to step up and save Medicare (I guess we’re too ingrained with this entitlement to completely dump it).  The designers always intended it to grow, always saw it as the camel’s nose inside the tent of government paid health care for everyone,  but if it keeps on going, we won’t have any money for anything else. In 1960 health care was 5.2% of GDP, and today it is 18.4%. (Keep in mind when you see U.S. health care costs compared to other developed nations that ours is for the census population, not citizens, which means over 11 million Illegals, plus many legal immigrants who come here having had very little health care in the past.)

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