Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Contraception President

Stopping economic growth before it becomes viable.

“From Occupy Wall Street to Wisconsin, from Trayvon Martin to Chick-fil-A, the goal of these manufactured conflicts has been to divide and conquer the electorate by emphasizing group rights over individual economic welfare.
Obama can't win on the economy. He can't win on foreign policy. He can't win on any aspect of his administration. All he can do is stir up violence and then promise to heal the country in his second term while winking to all the representatives of the grievance groups. It's not a new game, but the Democratic Party has never played it quite this baldly in a national election. And if it succeeds, then national politics will have finally been reduced to the level of a Chicago election.”



Doug said...

I see these manufactured "conspiracies" at work on occasion but moreover from the side of the money with the vast resources to put it all together while at the same time concealing it.
Frankly the way the rich and powerful divide and conquer is by creating and pushing a hyper-individualistic culture where people become unaccustomed and in fact reticient of working together. The elites fear more than anything the people working together for their own good and so the Republicans, servants of the rich, push this individualism to the extreme. This is not rocket science, it is just following the money.

Norma said...

I'm not sure what you said, but I do know this--in the Congress the wealthiest are Democrats and that unions support Democrats over 90% leaving their conservativwe members dangling. Nor do I know who you think are "elites." Wealthy people go where the money is regardless of party or country. You sound like something out of the 1930s FDR propaganda.

Doug said...

Evidently then God has blessed the Democratic congressmen for not trying to skew the economy into further outrageous favor to the rich. There is nothing wrong with being rich necessarily, it is how you let it control your behavior falling into service to the rich and giving them every legislative favor they want balancing solutions on the back of the poor.
Far too many wealthy go where the money is regardless of party,country or..people.

By the way unions come nowhere close to matching the millions spent by corporations on lobbying and elections and even that is based only on what corporations must disclose since they are required to disclose much less than unions.

Anonymous said...

Doug sounds white. As in white guilt.

Doug said...
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