Thursday, August 16, 2012

George Obama, Barack’s youngest brother

"George has a real life brother who just happens to be the president of the United States. (George Obama is the youngest of eight children sired by Barack Obama Sr.) George’s brother is a multimillionaire and the most powerful man in the world. Moreover, George’s brother has framed his re-election campaign around the “fair share” theme that we owe obligations to those who are less fortunate.

One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help."

You see, George is a "conservative" living in Kenya and rejects the anti-colonialism espoused by his and Barack's father - so naturally, his wealthy brother, Barack Obama, has nothing to do with him.

"So much for spreading the wealth around."
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