Monday, October 08, 2012

Snoop Dogg thinks “Mitt” is a funny name

One of the reasons Snoop Dogg won't vote for Mitt is he thinks he has a strange name (and he's a Mormon), but he will vote for Obama because Michelle has a fat a**. This is how celebrities influence the vote—of Democrats.  I don’t think it works with Republicans.  With friends like Dogg and Madonna, who gets cheers for claiming there's a black Muslim in the White House (the left says it was a joke, but have you heard it?), no wonder Obama is slipping in the polls. Fans hang on to the wisdom and self-love of these folks and may miss the subtleties.

Oh, and here’s another absurdity.  Obama thinks Romney doesn’t have enough experience to be the president.  I guess because he now has 4 years of total failure, and came in as a light weight.

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