Monday, May 13, 2013

It’s hard to keep track


IRS snooping on conservatives.  Justice snooping on reporters. Cover ups of Benghazi.  Whistleblowers intimidated.   But . . . he has enough time to call and congratulate a gay basketball player for finally coming out of the closet after a season in which he scored 4 points.


Anonymous said...

You repeat.

Norma said...

Yes, I know, but it just amazes me that he can keep up on basketball players and their sex lives, but doesn't know what an agency in the executive branch is doing.

Anonymous said...

and Nixon kept an enemies list and would not have been above using his power to have the IRS take a better look It would not matter what Obama did or didn't do you would have him hung for something Get a new tune

Norma said...

And Nixon did the honorable thing. When he was caught, he resigned. I don't expect such exemplary behavior from Obama. Obama's enemies list includes anyone who want the country to be better, safer, more careful with money and more patriotic. Now it includes reporters as AP has found out. We don't need to look for problems with Obama--they are right out there. They are called crimes.

Anonymous said...

JFK used the IRS to go after Christian ministers who didn't like his religion in 1961.