Sunday, January 07, 2018

New Year’s message from our nephew Bob

In the cold of a January night here in central Indiana, I hope each of you, my friends are spending time with someone you love, like, or respect. I hope you are engaged in great conversation, or just looking into the eyes of someone you deeply care about. If you're alone, pick up the phone and make the call you've been putting off to someone you once cared deeply for and just let the conversation flow wherever it goes. Consider how blessed we each are, that someone, somewhere on Earth loves us, thinks about us, and would be forever sad to lose you. Each one of you is important, created by God himself, and is loved. I just told you. Now it's your turn to let someone else hear this good news. It might be the most important words they hear today. Make that your gift, and may each of you receive those kinds of gifts for the rest of your lives. Hoping each of you has an amazingly blessed 2018.

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