Monday, July 13, 2020

A returning student comments on campus brain washing

“As someone who has gone back to college for the last few years, now age 40, I would say it has not stopped on the college campus. It now just has no one pushing back against these ideas, they are mainstreamed. It is accepted truth, and emailed out by the head of my institution. We live in a rape culture, an irredeemably racist and sexist society. It is broadcast all over my campus, and when I first went back after such a long hiatus, I was, an continue to be, appalled. They had young women making puffy paint sweatshirts documenting how many times they have been gang raped. Which if was actually true, no one was encouraged to go to the police. No, they were encouraged to wear their shirts as a badge of honor. All over campus are posters pointing out that society is racist and must been torn down and rebuilt. I have friends of all ethnicities whom are appalled but don't dare speak up. The professors are fearful of the students, it is a sea change from the first time I was in college.”

This was a comment left at a discussion on racism in our culture. I certainly believe him—I was on campus in the 1990s, and it was bad then. There was a list of 50 organizations to help women posted in the women’s restroom even in the 1980s. This was then called victim mentality.  Now it’s a mental illness, and it’s apparently catching.

So you see, George Floyd riots really weren’t about bad cops, or a murder, they were/are about years and years of conditioning impressionable young people, they graduate, and move into society.

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