Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Democrats can finally sleep—power balance restored

Before the Soros funded days of rage in 2020, blacks were exceeding whites in rate of college enrollments, crime rates had fallen by half for blacks, they were entering the top 20% quintile in income very quickly, life expectancy at birth had increased more for African Americans than for Whites, and the biggest gaps in all indicators were between black males and black females, not between blacks and whites. The unemployment for blacks was the lowest since they'd been keeping records, and blacks taking the initiative to start small businesses was soaring under this president.

Something had to give. Trot out the big lie of systemic racism and police killing black men for no reason other than being black while assaulting the police. Democrats were frantic, but it worked. They are much more comfortable now--blacks out of work, their neighborhoods looted and burned, babies and children being shot. Fancy Nancy can finally get some rest. And Joe Biden can come out of the basement and mumble.

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