Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Joan’s opinion on BLM, guest blogger

“The organization calling itself Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with blacks or their lives. They are simply one more instance of a seditious group USING a minority group's legitimate pain to further their own agenda. Thinking people of all colors recognize that this movement is racism at its worst. People who really value black people and their lives are building up not tearing down. People who truly value black lives also value the lives of people of other colors. People who truly believe that black lives matter are offering educational and employment opportunities; they are offering friendship and fellowship in working toward some common good for society. If you really believe that all lives matter and that color of skin does NOT matter, live your life treating all God's children as if they matter - because they DO. What is happening in our nation has little to do with race; it is insulting that this organization thinks Americans can be manipulated in such an obvious way to participate in their own destruction.”

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