Thursday, April 15, 2021

Running for the exits

R.R. Reno reports: "As a sometime professor, I have many friends in academia. I can't count how many conversations, I've had recently in which my friends have confided their despair over the future of liberal education [that's liberal as in freedom of thought]. Those who are retired emphasize their good fortune. Those who are still teaching tell me they hope to make it to retirement, somehow, or are looking for the exits. As a young academic friend put it, "I'm exhausted by the lies--and by the cowardice." First Things, May 2021, p. 66.

Lies on the Left, cowardice on the Right. 

Today Glenn Beck interviewed Everett Piper (retired President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University), author of "Grow up." Piper says he can recommend only 3 colleges to Christian parents. Hillsdale in Michigan, College of the Ozarks in Missouri, and New St. Andrews in Idaho. In the end, civilization needs adults.

I'm not sure why Piper didn't recommend his own OKWU, except maybe modesty. He turned it around financially.

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