Thursday, April 22, 2021

Violent crime rates going down

Fifteen unarmed black men were shot by police last year (and that usually doesn't happen unless a crime is taking place). However, about 48 police were killed by criminals (40 white, 7 black, 1 Asian). Obviously, since the number of police is far smaller than the number of young men (the usual demographic), the rate of violence against police is far greater than rate of force against men (usually men). These figures are always disputed, and for some reason the hyperbole is based on total population of blacks (13%) rather than the demographic of 17-40 . And if you want demographics, Hispanics, which is the largest minority in the country, generally have lower crime rates than either whites or blacks.

 Checking victim rates makes more sense--victims are all ages and sex and race. NCVS statistics identify the victims and the offenders. Black victimization is far higher in number and rate, even with a much smaller population. And usually the offender is the same race, and victims can identify them.
The overall rate of violent victimization from 2005-2019 fell 26% (from 28.4 to 21.0 victimizations per 1,000 U.S. residents age 12 or older). However, the rate fell more for blacks (43%) than whites (24%) . Ask yourself, why defund the police if they've been able to reduce the death and violence among blacks? Sounds like another anti-black plan of the Democrats.

Is this crime decrease ever celebrated? That crime has gone down for all races under 3 difference Presidents? Democrats will never concede this. It doesn't fit their narrative that the U.S. is a dangerous, racist, hateful place.

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