Friday, February 03, 2006

2109 On the way to Yes

Yesterday I wrote a blog about How to say No, and I didn't want to leave you with the impression I never say Yes to anything. So here's a few things I've said yes to this past week. I probably could have made a Thursday Thirteen out of affirmatives, but I liked the Prayer Job Jar better.

1. Yes to being communion servers this Sunday.
2. Yes to taking our neighbor's turn at mail delivery (for church).
3. Yes to three friends making an outing to an art show.
4. Yes to lunch with friends in Springfield, OH.
5. Yes to dinner out with two couples.
6. Yes to joining a couples group from church which meets twice a month.
7. Yes to typing a report and sending it for my husband for his volunteer activity at Lakeside.
8. Yes to joining an ad hoc writing group that meets twice a month.
9. Yes to finding a new dentist to replace the one who won't listen to me (OK, this is cheating, but it is a Yes to me). It's like trying to find a new plumber or hairdresser.
10. Yes to a walk in the park with my husband on a nice day.


Bonita said...

Maybe some day, I'll catch up with you on the "Yes" thing. Right now, I find myself saying No to a lot, just to have more time for ME - of course, I've raised 5 kids. That should explain a lot.

Lena said...

Norma, I find your site and especially this list inspiring. I'm on my way to church myself. Thanks for the smile!