Thursday, June 15, 2006

2574 Desperate smoker counts pennies

For 5 days I've craved Frito's Corn Chips. I knew there was a Speedway store close to the church, so when I was on my morning mail run, I stopped and checked my resources. $.74. Safe, I thought--I don't have enough. But then I remembered the mitten (lost the other one) I keep with change for coffee emergencies. I dug around until I found it and took out two quarters. On my return trip, I slipped into a parking place and hurried into the store, found the chips and took them to the check-out. There stood a lady counting out pennies in piles of five from a little lozenge tin and a pack of cigarettes on the counter.

Is this the pot calling the kettle black? At least I had quarters.


Heather said...

LOL! Funny how we seem to judge others just because their desperate addictions are different than ours.

Susan said...

I've handed Coca-Cola and Coffee propietors pennies on many ocassions.