Thursday Thirteen about cars
Kiplinger's Personal Finance (May 2006) says the average American household will buy a total of 13 vehicles. Seven are purchased after the head of the household turns 50. So that put me to counting. We've had more than 13, but here are what I'll call family cars--and that works out to 13:1. We started married life in 1960 with a 1951 Oldsmobile 88. This car used to stall at intersections in Indianapolis and I'd get out and open the hood and jiggle something to get it going, occasionally with a push from the next guy in line.

2. Dad said the tires were worth more than the car, so when the steering went bad we gave it to him (he'd bought the tires) and I think we just had a bicycle for awhile. Then we got a cute little used black Renault. I found a restored 98 Olds on the Internet for $75,000.
3. After the Renault we bought my mother's 1961 or 1962 blue Comet, which up to that time had been a perfect car, but then turned into a lemon. Don't buy automobiles from relatives.

5. I promised I'd get a license if we got an automatic (hadn't driven since the Renault), so we bought a light blue Plymouth sedan that was about as plain and basic as a car could be. After we moved to Ohio, my brother came from Illinois and drove it back, and eventually it became my aunt and uncle's car for many years.

6. It was replaced by our first (and only) luxury car, a 1969 4 dr. Oldsmobile (used) very dark green, almost black, purchased from my husband's employer--it had all the bells and whistles--even an 8 track tape deck, and we put two baby car seats comfortably in the back. The only photo I could find was lifting the Christmas tree out of the trunk.
7. Our little brown 1974 Ford Pinto was our first "second" car--lots of fun to drive.
8. A beige 1977 4 dr. Buick sedan replaced the Olds. When we were shopping, my husband wanted a sportier 2-door. I looked at our little guy and said, "The kids are going to be big some day, I think we should get a 4-door, because it will be hard to stuff them in the back seat." And I was right, because he was over 6' and our daughter was 5'8" by the time we traded it. This is the car in which our kids learned to drive and get into trouble even though it was a really boring sedan. "Our life is so beige," my daughter complained. (Also had a cream colored house and company car.)

9. In 1986 I replaced the 9 year old Buick with a 1983 (or maybe 1981) maroon Buick 4 dr. Skylark which had all the luxury options, plush unholstery, sound system, etc. Possibly the most comfortable sedan we ever had, but being a used car it had some mechanical problems.
10. Which gave me an excuse to buy my dream car--a 1987 red Mustang, which I had

11. I fell in love with my Plymouth mini-van, white, used 1989, and never looked back. The seats are exactly right for me, and I've tried other vans and SUVs. I sold the Mustang to a lady in Worthington looking for something cute for her teen-agers to drive to school. I think a week or two later they wrecked it.
12. Traded the white van in 1994 for a 1995 green Dodge mini-van, which I drove until the air-conditioning died in the very hot summer of 2002 and we were expecting company. Its age and mileage didn't warrant the repair costs.
13. Traded the green van for my 2002 silver Dodge mini-van, which I still love.
We had several company-owned cars which we drove as a second car--a brown Audi, a cream color Ford Fiesta, a beige Nissan Sentra. A car for personal use is absolutely the best perk you can have because all we did was pay for the gas (tax laws may have changed, but you didn't report it as income). The Fiesta and the Sentra we eventually owned. Then when my husband started his own business in 1994, he leased 2 different Ford Contours (both a shade of beige), then bought a 2000 Ford Explorer which he still has.
During all these years, with the cars we owned, or drove as a company car, or leased, we've had only one accident. My husband rear ended someone in one of the Contours in the mid-90s--minor damage, but the high pitched squeal from the alarm damaged his hearing because he couldn't get out of the car and the air bag smacked him around a little. Still, not a bad record for two boring, beige people.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
1. Nancy Dowd 2. Don Snodgrass 3. Jerry 4. Lifecruiser 5. Janet 6. mama kelly 7. Titanium 8. Lyndsay 9. EmilyRoseJewel 10. Libragirl 11. catherine 12. PixiePincessMom 13. Friday's Child 14. Tracey 15. Tess 16. Tanya 17. Tanya 18. reverberate58 19. Tricia 20. Chaotic Mom 21. Mandy 22. Andrew 23. Carol 24. Trinity13 25. Melli 26. Cin 27. Sonya 28. Moogie 29. Aileen 30. Great Day 31. Mom Nancy 32. astrocoz 33. Jen 34. LadyBug Crossing 35. Trina 36. Christine 37. nat 38. Dariana 39. colleen 40. anneberit 41. chosha 42. Richard 43. Mustang Mama
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vintage automobiles
What a wonderful post. It brought back quite a few memories. Of course I had VW bug, three actually, and a Pinto...but no Mustang (boo hoo). There was that jet black MGB though- now that was a car...
Priceless T13, I love these old photos and to be able to see the difference on the same spot, that's just marvelous. Well done. And this was not boring or beige and I don't beleive you are for a moment either! This was a pure joy to read :-)
Great topic for the T13, and what awesome photos, especially that first one. A fun way to track time periods in your life.
My 13 are up :-)
Im 36, married for 12 years and We've had 3 cars
the car I had when we got married
a Mitsubishi Mirage
A Dodge Stratus
and a Hyundai Sonata
I loved seeing the photos! What a fun list. :)
Oh what a fun list!!! and the pictures to go with the topic was awesome! I am 24 and am on my 3rd car. My husband has had 2 motorcycles... we have a ways to go, but I am sure somewhere along the line... we could end up with more vehicles!!! Great topic I throughly enjoyed reading (and from my dad who is a car buff I even recoginzed some of the cars you mentioned) :)
Happy early TT
You have owned a lot of vehicles. I have so far owned two and DH has two as well. A red mustang, I bet you were proud! My list is up!
I didn't have my TT up yet when I commented earlier. Now it's up. :)
Happy Thursday (early)!
Wow. What a great post. I've been thinking about the car fascination too.
Right now I pay insurance for 4 automobiles: mine, my husband's, my son's and a farm truck.
My 13 will be up in 20 minutes.
Loved the pictures of the older cars. And I'm so wanting one of the new slugbugs; they are all just too cute. Even the older models; they all make me smile! :-)
I currently drive a Chrysler Town & Country Minivan & it's been the best vehicle we've ever owned.
It is nice to see different changes of car models. Can we say it the evolution of cars?
My T13 is up too.
I think that my parents had a pinto... I'm not sure. I've just bought my very first car. A 2005 Hyundai Accent. I look foreward to these kinds of memories for me and my family in the future.
I love the wedding picture!
What a story. I've only owned two cars in my life, though have had several at my disposal while travelling. Fortuantely, I didn't actually dispose of any....
My list is up.
We've never had a car at all (easier to do, in the UK, I guess), but I loved the story that went with this, even if I don't understand the fascination in the cars themselves. :-)
What a great idea for a T13. It's amazing how the trees have grown in that one picture from the 80's compared to the one in the 50's. Huge difference!
I've always wanted to buy my hubby's dream car for him. But now wondering if we're too old and would have back problems, too! ;)
What a neat list! And such a variety of cars you owned! Loved the pictures too!
Married in 1960? You must've been a child bride.
But 1960 was a good year. I was born that year. :)
Oh wow! I loved reading your TT - all those cars, and it was great comparing the two photos that were taking at the same location 28 years apart! Mine are up.
What a lot of cars! I've on my fourth right now...not cause I wreaked any, but because the other three just stopped running!
My list would sure be boring compared with yours...considering my uncontrollable, impractical lust for Mustangs!
However, a couple of fun comparisions with my extended family: My parents were married in 1960 and my dear husband's first car purchased and insured in his own name at 16 was a 1965 Comet and it was the perfect car.
..Sorry your dream car was a night mare. I had a 1989 very similar to yours and I didn't mind the body style, but it turned out to live up to the nickname I gave it when I bought it, "Knight Mare", due to unsolved mechanical issues. I must also let you know that there weren't any Mustangs available to the public back in 1963...not until 1964 1/2!
Forgot...we had a 1974 Pinto Woody Station was our second car, but "my" car to drive my senior year!
This is a great 13 Norma! It's amazing really how you can look back over a lifetime in view of the cars you had! You do remember and associate different "happenings" with certain vehicles!
As for us - we currently have 6 of our "allotted" 13 living in our driveway! I'm pretty sure we've gone way over the top on that one!!! ;)
Well, this is my first visit to your blog and I am blown away! Your car chronology is absolutely fascinating, and I love the photographs - you've inspired me to use them more in my future TT's.
BTW - We've had other vehicles in the past, but are still on the first vehicle that we bought new and off the lot.
What a cool list with pictures and all. You have been very blessed with the past automobiles.
My T13 is up too!
Wow, that's alot of cars. I'm sorry your dream car didn't work out. :( Both my husband and I have Saturns now..he's got a sedan and I've got the Vue...which I love.
My TT is up!
I loved looking at all the old photos. Thanks for sharing. :)
Very interesting list! I know we haven't had 13 cars since I've been married, but maybe in my life. I'll have to think about it someday.
Thanks for visiting my list.
That was a cute post! I love the line, "Our life is so beige." Sounds like the grief I used to give my mother.
So far, I've only owned 2 cars, both Honda's (one a 1980 Accord that is the same age as me and the other is a 1991 Civic). I called my first car Sputnik, because it looked like a rusty, silvery piece of space junk that fell from the sky.
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
What a neat idea! I would have to sit down and think how many cars we've owned...
That's a shame about the Mustang. I hope everyone was OK and learned their lesson there.
Thanks for stopping by!
Just wanted you to know that Jim and I had a blue VW just like yours in 1964!! Brand new when we got married in the fall. Love your blogging site --- read it everyday!! Jerry
Been three solid days now and I'm still in the process of reading
everything on your blog Norma... :>)
Great list Norma! My Dad would love seemed like a lot of my pictures when I was little was always standing by one of his cars, so I'm not sure if the picture was really of me...or the car;-) Thinking about our different cars helps bring back some new memories. Thanks for visiting.
p.s. I had trouble leaving an auto-link...everytime I tried entering info I would be sent to another page.
ThHanks for visiting my TT. I always enjoy reading the new things you write about and I love the pics of you old cars!!
These photos are great. My husband and I haven't been through many cars yet, but our oldest is on the verge of driving so I imagine we'll have many cars in the new future. Hopefully not too many accidents though. My very first car was a 1974 Chevette. My parents bought it when I was a baby. It had no floor on the passenger side. My dad covered it with a piece of wood, but that didn't save me when it was raining.
Hi Norma,
My first car was a 73 Superbeetle semi-automatic. My second car was an '86 Mustang - piece o junk if you ask me. Then we got married. '89 Civic - came with him, '95 Saturn Wagon- replaced the 'Stang, '01 Civic - replaced the old Civic, '02 CRV replaced the Saturn. The Saturn was in an accident and that was the end of that one. Otherwise we wouldn't have the CRV. I do love that CRV!!
When we got married, I told Mr. Bug that I came with a car and I would always have a car. I gotta have my wheels. :-)
I love this list!!
That was an awesome trip through the past!!! I can't believe ...ONLY ONE accident! You must be very good, lucky drivers!
I once did a history via couches I've had. This is great and you're fortunate to have all the photos to pull it together!
Hm... you got me wondering; will I end up with having ownded so many cars a 15 years from now..... So far I've only owned two (off course I've drived some of my folks cars too!) cars one Audi 100, silver green and the current one a dark green Ford Explorer. I love that car and hope it'll carry us many more years!!
Nice trip down memory lane. My few cars have been a series of trusty bombs, the current one no exception. I remember when I was young my parents had a tiny little Morris Minor. We even went to the drive-in theater in that thing.
I still havent figured out the thursday thirteen thing yet (DuH!!)
But you have given me a really good topic to write about if I ever get finished with trips, Mormon missionaries, and death (yes death, thinking about it a lot lately-- not mine, but _---)
Enjoyed the post enormously/
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