Friday, April 13, 2007


This month's word

Worthington is a city north of Columbus. We're not supposed to call it a suburb because I think it was there first. Columbus just sort of oozed out to meet its southern boundaries. On my way through Worthinton on Rt. 161 the other day I noticed a small sign in its city park: "Character trait of the month: Commitment."

I've spent more time than I should on this month's word, let me tell you. Do you suppose people will be more committed to their spouse, children, church, job, parents, values, party, country or book club schedule because of a sign in a park? I've been married 47 years. That's commitment. I attend church even when I don't feel like it. That's commitment. I had three months of sick leave accumulated (although I didn't get to keep it) when I retired. That's commitment. I blog every day. That's commitment. I don't believe Al Gore, but I've done my part to cherish the earth because the Bible tells me so. That's commitment. Never in my life would I adopt a value because I saw a sign in a city park. I wouldn't even apply for a grant to do this warm fuzzy. That's commitment.

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