Thursday, April 26, 2007

Decides to remain seized of the matter

If you ever wanted proof that United Nations Resolutions are hole cloth worth not even one square of toilet paper per toilet use, just scroll to the bottom of the U.S. Treasury Sanctions Program Summary on Sudan for the list of their resolutions on Sudan going back to 1995. Each resolution about Sudan in the last 12 years ends with the phrase, "Decides to remain seized of the matter," whatever that bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo means. And the 1996 Resolution 1044 lists all the letters and condemnations that came before then.

If you google that phrase you get about 34,000 hits, and it seems to mean, "It's not going away, but we're not doing anything about it, now or ever" so keep sending money.

No matter how you seize it, the war in Sudan has always been about Arab Moslems killing black Africans, until 1997 it was African Christians, more recently African Moslems.

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