Sunday, March 06, 2005

878 What can the customer expect?

Last week I needed to stop at a store for a specialty item. After making my purchase I was returning to the parking lot when I noticed another store that carried a product I've been thinking about, but hadn't researched yet. So I stopped in.

The 20-something female clerk was very well informed, polite, and not at all pushy. Even if I'd been primed to buy, I didn't stick around long enough for her to make the sale, although I took some literature home to read. I found out enough to know I'm very interested in this particular piece of technology just from the information she provided.

So what's the problem? Her appearance. She had on a faded gray denim jacket, over a blue denim shirt hanging out over black jeans atop thick athletic shoes. Her skin was bad and she had on no make-up except smeared mascara. Her hair was clean, but carelessly pulled back into sort of a large mushroom type style. She had no visible tatoos or piercings, but she did have bad breath. At one point I asked a question she couldn't answer, so she called to her male coworker. He appeared from the back room with a ready answer, dressed in nice slacks, a long sleeve dress shirt, and leather shoes. Which employee will get the next opening in management?

Similar theme about churches here.

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