Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Biden

Obama Biden
by Norma Bruce

Obama Biden, it has a certain ring,
Not quite Hillary who wanted to do her thing,
Or Edwards who lost it after his fling.

Obama Biden, does it some gravitas bring
Or is it more mud to sling,
and praises to Messiah sing?

Obama Biden, is it just this year's fling
'cause I don't sense much bling bling
Or hope and change in Obama Biden team.


Anonymous said...

even a poem about Obama.Are you obcessing here? You would be screaming like Rush if someone were doing this to one of your Republicans. Get a hobby!

Norma said...

You sound a bit obsessive yourself. Working too hard on the campaign? I know people my age who are actually spending hours and hours plus pensions to work FOR Obama; why can't I write a few blogs against him? I see him as the most serious threat to our freedom that has ever campaigned for public office. You, obviously, think differently.