Friday, August 29, 2008

Shut up George

Charlie broke away from Sarah Palin's speech, one of the best I've heard this entire campaign, to interview George Stephana- stepa- stupa-, well you know, the former Clinton aide with all the hair. Then George S. announced that if Gustave hits NOLA, McCain should scale back the Republican convention and go to Louisiana, the "site of GWB's disaster." No, George, that was a Democratic city with a Democratic governor. With Democrat disaster plans. Republican states fared much better. The failure was theirs. And Charlie? Thanks for nothing. We had to switch to radio to hear the rest of her speech.

1 comment:

Deborah M. said...

I'm filled with hope. I despaired, now I am filled with hope. Gosh, her speech was fantastic! At last a politician I CAN ACTUALLY *LISTEN* TO WITHOUT BARFING.