Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can we hire this woman?

Marcia Picou, Baton Rouge, LA comments at Morning Bell about members of both parties:
    I believe that any Congress person who voted for authorizing the stimulus plan without reading it, which will very likely waste billions upon billions of dollars, if not trillions (by the time interest is added in during payback time), should be held more accountable than the employess at AIG who received bonuses .

    I believe we could turn our country back towards being a democratic Republic by three things:
    Beginning term limits for congressional people,
    limiting any raises and perks for Congress - only the American people should be allowed to vote for this, and
    institution of the FairTax.

    I also wish that Obama and the current administration would stop whining about what they “inherited” - they HELPED to create the inheritance.
Well said, Marcia. Now run for office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
If Marcia were to run for any Federal position both parties would crucify her to the point of submission. Plus they would deny her the same pathways to victory as they themselves enjoy. That's what we are calling a "Democracy".