Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama sends a message of weakness to Iran


الفرقد أبو الفرقد said...
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Norma said...

If you come around here with hate Israel, hate Jews messages, you'll end up in the trash where you belong!

Anonymous said...

It is not just Iran, the Chinese are surrounding our US Ships, the Russians are flying within 500 feet of them.

The bullies are testing our country to see what they can get away with. Obama is so out to lunch they could probably sail into NYC.

This week he thanked himself for having a party, made jokes at the expense of the mentally challenged, and compared AIG execs to suicide bombers. This guy is like a teenager in charge of the white house.

It is like Boys Nation is really running the country.

Anonymous said...

For the first time in my life, I truly am scared of what's coming down the pike. An immature, nasty man (who cares more about serving Wagyu beef at his Wednesday evening cocktail parties than he does Americans suffering from the economy he is ruining) is in charge of the greatest nation on earth...

Norma said...

Or, Kelli, maybe we're not so great, and that's why we elected him? Did we get what we deserved?

Anonymous said...

I know many people voted for him just because he was black. Others just voted because he was a Democrat, but, like Camille Paglia, hoped that he really wasn't going to do all the communist things he said he was going to (a big "duh!" on that one). I do think we're a great nation -- at least we were. We don't kill based on gender or religion, and we're the most kind and generous nation on earth to nations who have nothing.

I know I DO NOT deserve to have this evil man as my president, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
The evil one must be stopped but how? We painted ourselves into a corner since he is black. Any attempt to impeach him or any other method to rid ourselves of him will surly start a riot across the country with the blacks. But then just maybe that's what we need to wake people up so they pay more attention to what is happening to our great country. Try this video on for size as it sums up what has and hasn't been done to us: