Sunday, March 27, 2011

NATO deal on Libya doesn't mean quick exit for US - Yahoo! News

Well now, isn't this a shocker (not)! Also not a shock, but still a surprise, is that more Republicans than Democrats supported Obama's bellicose behavior. A surprise because he's basically yellow, doesn't believe in a government of freedom and democracy, so why follow him into battle if we just get another Muslim dictator? This morning driving in the dark, I saw a tiny mouse skiddaddling across the road from one drain to another right in my headlights. First thing I thought of after I braked, was the Republicans.
    AP report via Yahoo News. WASHINGTON – NATO's limited role in command of the no-fly zone over Libya doesn't allow the U.S. to make a quick exit from the costly military operation as the Obama administration had wanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard Fernandez at Belmont Club: "As a piece of wordsmithing, it [Obama's strategy] is superlative. In that strategic world, no matter the galaxy it inhabits, neither victory nor defeat exist. It’s gone. Poof. Finished. Kaput. America can tag along on expeditions which it pays for, but cares not where it leads. Best of all, it isn’t war, repeat: it isn’t war. Therefore the President doesn’t have to ask Congress for permission to make it."