Monday, November 14, 2011

Are you beautiful?

You might be better paid than the Occupiers! Oh the horror! A new book whose author has been flogging this at least since the early 90s now has a book, Beauty Pays, and is making the rounds of talk shows and interviews.

Daniel Hamermesh says society generates premium pay for beauty and penalties for ugliness. Beautiful people earn $230,000 more in a lifetime than those with below average looks. They are happier, marry good-looking people, who are more likely to be highly educated.

He's been saying this for some time--in 1994, on "plainness": "The authors examine the impact of looks on earnings using interviewers' ratings of respondents' physical appearance. Plain people earn less than average-looking people, who earn less than the good-looking. The plainness penalty is 5 to 10 percent, slightly larger than the beauty premium. Effects for men are at least as great as for women. Unattractive women have lower labor-force participation rates and marry men with less human capital. Better-looking people sort into occupations where beauty may be more productive but the impact of individuals' looks is mostly independent of occupation, suggesting the existence of pure employer discrimination. Copyright 1994 by American Economic Association."

Beauty in the classroom is from 2003

Forbes review

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Article--very interesting Doris Lee