Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obama’s Keystone Evasion

Sometimes, Obama is the most transparent of any president we've ever had. Like his campaign tricks. He doesn't even try to hide what he's doing. Put in a plug for the veterans, who he hates, while postponing a real job creator.
President Obama’s announcement that he will delay a decision on approval of the Keystone Pipeline until after the 2012 election typifies his feckless presidency. Torn between the need to create jobs, reduce the cost of energy and get our economy going on one hand, and the emotional biases of his environmentalist base on the other, Obama punted. I assume that if and when the time comes–post-election–Obama will do what he has wanted to do all along, and kill the pipeline.

Obama’s Keystone Evasion | Power Line

The pipeline wouldn't have been a "stimulus jr." or an FDR WPA temp job project. According to this author, "the pipeline would moderate the price of oil and create between 250,000 and 553,000 permanent American jobs."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
If you want to lower the cost of energy and reduce our independence on foreign oil simply encourage Obama to take his foot off the pipeline and utter the words "We're gonna drill baby drill! Otherwise you can simply observe just one of the many efforts from our leader(??) to take our great country down.