Friday, April 06, 2012

CBS, Consistently Biased Source

I watched the “balanced” story on billionaires supporting super PACs on CBS last night.  95% of the content was based on an interview with appropriate snarky and straw man questions for Julian Robertson, father of hedge funds and founder of a Mitt Romney PAC.  He’s given $1.25 million to get Romney elected, the man he says is the best in the history of the presidency in terms of qualifications.  At the tail end, almost as an after thought, the reporter included a reference to an e-mail (we don’t see it) from Hollywood’s Jeffry Katzenberg who has contributed to Obama’s campaign $2 million and  justifies his donation as fighting the right wing.  He had no tough questions and no face to face on camera time—just a throw away paraphrase of an e-mail. Katzenberg said nothing about Obama’s qualifications and accomplishments, at least not for this report. Nor was he asked if he would seek special favors.

I’m not sure the reporter even mentions how mad Obama was at the Supreme Court over PACs, and then decided to get one for his own campaign.  Nor did he note what a big supporter of environmental issues Robertson is—usually a cause to make the MSM swoon.  The point of this interview was to cut down on Romney who is starting to look like the guy to go after.  Don’t believe me when I tell you that if you watch only broadcast news you only get news for Democrats slanted to make the GOP look bad?  Watch the video.

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