Friday, April 13, 2012

My friends and readers could say this about me. . .and do

“When I read your constant barrages aimed at the first black president, I think to myself, "Doesn't [Norma], the devout Christian, understand what it took to get to this place? And where would [Norma] have been in the years of the freedom struggle that finally eventuated in some measure of equality for African-Americans and even a black president?" Isn't there some way you can temper your attacks on Obama with this history in mind?. . . "The presidency of an African-American is a dramatic symbol of the advances in the struggle for human rights in this country so long denied to black citizens. Unless you have a record deep in the civil rights struggle, relentless attacks on this symbol will be seen as giving aid and comfort to, if not an expression of, the latent racism that is still much with us in this country. That is why criticisms of this president-as-symbol are not to be made in the same way as the conventional political fisticuffs."

But it was said about another writer critical of this president. . . someone named Pete who insists on judging the president on his actions and knowledge, his political and economic leadership,  not the low expectations and double standards of liberal supporters and the American media. 

If John McCain, a great patriot and war hero, had won in 2008 and took the same downward path,  reversed his promises and then told lies, I would still be writing a blog about the deficit, the czars, expanding the war into more middle east countries, the over regulation of the health and energy industries, the strange reasoning of the Buffett fair tax, even his narcissism if it jumped out in every public appearance.  And if McCain’s wife (the second one) who is quite pretty for her age appeared in Las Vegas in a crotch exposing skirt disgracing the office of FLOTUS, I’d mention it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
"The presidency of an African-American is a dramatic symbol of the advances in the struggle for human rights in this country so long denied to black citizens."

This is true. However, the destruction of our great country must not be ignored. The shame of it all is the great advancement of the blacks in the minds of the whites is being tarnished tremendously by the actions of Obama. In that, there's no doubt.