Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jay Carney has developed the Obama stutter

“Wendell Goler: The President has voiced support for the Occupy folks in the past, or at least their goals, did their actions in Chicago sour his support?

Jay Carney: Well I think you’re making broad comparisons between . . . uh . . . uh . . . different groups, what the President has said in the past is . . . uh . . . he has understood . . . uh . . . the frustrations Americans have about (pause) the (pause) failure in particular of Wall Street in some cases to . . . uh . . . uh, (pause) well obviously Wall Street’s role in the financial crisis that precipitated the worst recession since the Great Depression.”

1 comment:

BamBam75 said...

Aha! I am NOT the only one who has noticed this! I am listening to Jay Carney speak right now and I did a search. Your blog post from 2012 came up in my search. I'm late!

*My search included "Obama uh Jay Carney".*