Monday, May 14, 2012

Keeping up with sex acronyms

Having been a librarian, I developed a real fondness for acronyms of all kinds.  I came across an unfamiliar one today, because, well, it’s not one I would need often, and even in the medical literature I can’t recall seeing it before: AFAI—age at first anal intercourse—and no surprise here, “There appears to be a strong link between AFAI and infection with HIV/STIs, as well as tendencies to engage in higher risk sexual behaviour.”  Although for older baby boomers that age was 35, for Gen-Y it is 18.  I would attribute that to the increasing acceptance, and even encouragement of gay sex, since this study was exclusively about gay men.  And, my, how flippant the writers are about this, calling it a “sexual debut.”

“Further education around safer sex practices that specifically targets gay-identified youth may also be required to ensure their sexual debut does not lead to poorer sexual health outcomes. “ As we’ve learned from the “safe sex” message given to school children, it actually encourages all sex, and is now increasingly called “safer sex” because there is no such thing as “safe sex.” There are always consequences, whether psychological, sociological, spiritual or biological.

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