Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Imperial presidency

Allen West (R-FL) says the last time we had this was King George III.  Nai Nai agrees—“I do feel disrespected and disregarded. Permanent legal status isn't cheap and my parents paid for themselves and their four children. I can't get my citizenship because the cost of it goes up every year and I just can't afford it. I've paid my taxes every year since I became old enough to get a job and my parents paid their taxes every year that they've been in this country. This is a slap in the face to those of us that did things the right way. It also sends the message to others that want to come to this country that they don't have to go thru the legal channels to get here. That they may as well save their money 'cause the current president will just hand them legal status and citizenship as long as they are illegal. Whereas those that are legal have to pay the ever-increasing costs of for naturalization, which includes the costs associated with the "free" service for illegals. So it's paid for no matter how you look at it. As if my tax dollars supporting them to live off of the system weren't enough, now I have to pay for their legal statuses/citizenships as well. I'm a little more than just angry right now. “


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