Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Even Vermont with a mix of socialists and Democrats, can’t make it work

“But despite the urgency of getting the exchange launch right and the givens that should make it easier rather than difficult—small state, high rate of literacy, 98 percent English speaking—Vermont’s website seems as bad or worse than the federal system. I’m not a Vermont resident, but I have been in the past and still spend a lot of time in the state. In the past week, I’ve spent hours on the state’s health-care system and have experienced nothing but a series of maddening problems reminiscent of computer life 15 years ago. On a half-dozen occasions I’ve fought my way through the system to register, only to return to discover the system has no trace of my registration. I expect that each of these visits and each of these “registrations” have been recorded as unique visits and registrations, which could help explain in part the disparity between “visits” and “registrations” versus “enrollments.” ”

So says the liberal lefty site.

I have now read so many of the screw-ups with enrollments, both state and federal, and read or heard so many horror stories of people losing their insurance, that I am even more convinced this is just a planned step to single payer,  which Obama always said he wanted, to make people so frustrated they’ll beg for low level, single payer Medicaid type coverage.

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