Saturday, October 19, 2013

It’s not about the botched rollout

Only the most die-hard Obama fans think Obamacare is about health care for the poor or those with pre-existing conditions (a very small fraction of the population). The informed on both the right and left know this is another government scheme to redistribute wealth, so the left loves it, and the right hates it. With this White House it may even be a method to pay off the rich fat cats who helped Obama (the ones he loves to publicly vilify), since only the stock market has been doing well since the recession "ended" in 2009. Small and medium size businesses, the real engine of the economy, are struggling with over regulation and Obamacare is just another pillow on their faces.

In 2007, the Census data shows 79.7% of employment was in establishments with fewer than 500 employees, while ADP shows that 83.1% of employment was in "businesses" with fewer than 500 employees.

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