Saturday, June 01, 2024

Do the media mavens believe what they say?

Last night I heard a few snippets on Fox of the MSM like Joy Reid (an evil person) and others I can't identify by face, and then the View shrews. Why they matter, I don't know.  The alternative sources of information easily outnumber their audiences.  Joe Rogan. Tucker Carlson. Megyn Kelly. Millions and millions don't trust CNN or MSNBC or the alphabet media. But I am influenced enough by their Trump-hate to hit the mute button on the remote. They don't even question how Bragg could get 94 felonies out of a misdemeanor or how the so-called "second crime" wasn't revealed until the jury instructions (on p, 32). Or how a state can try a federal crime (by Dem definition). These are the same people who thought Kyle Rittenhouse had crossed a state line to kill black people. (Everyone in that case was white, and his father lived in Wisconsin. And they lie constantly about January 6.)  They can't figure out how the media assists in destroying our country. They can't see election interference that the Number Three guy in the Biden's Department of Justice took a demotion to a state court so he can control the case. He's also the guy who prosecuted Trump on the non-victim trial for loans all parties had agreed.

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