Thursday, June 20, 2024

Should Republicans use Lawfare as taught by Democrats?

This is from the webpage of Jay Hubbard, 
  • Regarding lawfare, we shouldn’t unilaterally disarm. We should employ the same tactics they’ve engaged in until we successfully instill a realistic fear which establishes a sense of mutual destruction and allows a “ceasefire” to emerge.
  • The rule of law is predicated on the same standards supposedly being enforced for all. Therefore, all we’d have to do is persecute them on the same grounds they persecuted us. We wouldn’t even have to lie about any of it.
  • Impeach Biden for a quid pro quo with Ukraine.
  • Toss Hunter Biden in jail for falsifying a document.
  • Hold Biden liable for sexual assault due to a very old and poorly corroborated accusation.
  • Launch a congressional committee to investigate the multiple “insurrections” that occurred during the BLM riots. Jail hundreds of those criminals.
  • Prosecute the prosecutors who arrested people for self defense, on the grounds that said cases constituted prosecutorial misconduct.
  • Toss Attorney General Merrick Garland in jail for failing to appear to answer a Congressional subpoena and thereby getting held in contempt of Congress.
  • Do the EXACT SAME THING to FORMER Attorney General Eric Holder for, again, the same “crime.”
  • Jail James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, for lying to Congress when he falsely testified that the government wasn’t collecting telephone records on millions of Americans.
  • Prosecute everyone involved in arresting Trump, on the grounds that their behavior constitutes “election interference in the 2024 Presidential Campaign.”
  • While we’re investigating electioneering, prosecute the 50+ former intelligence officials who lied to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story.
  • Prosecute former President Obama and FBI director James Comey for breaking espionage laws when they spied on the Trump campaign.
  • Prosecute members of the FBI for misleading the FISA court by leaking news to the media so they could later present that news article to the FISA judge as though it were independent corroboration of their accusation, thereby securing authorization for continued warrantless wiretapping. This was fabricated corroboration designed to manipulate the court.
  • Prosecute the politicians in PA who violated their state constitution when they illegally changed the voting rules during the 2020 presidential election (again, just call it election interference).
  • Every right-of-center news outlet should sue the Whitehouse Press Secretary for libel, for lying about all right wing news outlets supposedly pushing “cheap-fakes” when all they did was show unedited clips from a pool feed (meaning a camera feed shared by all networks). Even if they couldn’t win, sue them anyways.
  • Launch multiple IRS investigations over the Biden family’s numerous unexplained shell corporations where foreign funds were received and then dispersed amongst family members.
  • Launch another investigation regarding the coverup of said crimes, as exposed by the two IRS whistleblowers who testified that pressure was placed to steer investigators away from implicating Biden.
  • Prosecute Clinton for destroying her email servers.
  • Prosecute Biden for mishandling classified documents when he was a Senator and later the Vice President, both positions which lacked the Presidential authority to unilaterally classify documents.
  • On the grounds of child endangerment, arrest those involved in all of the “kid friendly” transgender shows, particularly the ones which featured explicit and sexually suggestive dancing.
  • Arrest pro-abortion protestors for harassment.
  • For the crime of “trespassing,” arrest the people who stormed the capitol to protest the appointment of Justice Kavanaugh.
  • For rioting, arrest the protestors who set a fire near the Whitehouse, temporarily forcing the Secret Service to rush President Trump into a secure bunker.
  • For inciting riots, arrest all politicians who publicly encouraged riots in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.
  • Arrest all Democrats who previously went to court to fight ANY election results. Do so on the grounds that their legal argument constituted “a conspiracy to illegally overturn a free and fair election.”
  • Sue any school district who pushes trans ideology. Do so on the grounds that it’s abusive to children, violative of woman’s rights regarding female sports, and unsafe for girls who face a heightened risk of sexual harassment when males access female locker rooms.
  • Criminally prosecute all hospital administers and surgeons who partook in gender reassignment surgery for minors.
  • Ask all Whitehouse advisors to divulge privileged conversations, and when they refuse on grounds of executive privilege, lock them all up.
  • Indict Biden’s lawyers until you force one of them to flip and testify against him in exchange for a plea bargain.
  • Just as Biden’s administration sued Texas for enforcing state immigration laws, arguing that federal authority superseded Texas policy, sanctuary cities should be sued on similar grounds.
  • Even if we lose every case, we must force them to contend with the legal expense and political fallout.

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