Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Zombie eggs?

What or who are these "other people" who produce human eggs to be harvested for IVG?

"During an IVF cycle, women and other people who produce female sex cells have their eggs surgically removed." (From the article "How many IVF babies are born in the US?" at USAfacts.org)

This is the control the culture crazies have over biology. If "fact" compilers at USA Facts are so intimidated by woke activists, then how do we trust them on other "facts" like murder rate by race, or number of illegals during Biden years, or trade data with China?

If a woman who believes she is a man is still producing eggs to be harvested so she or her partner can be a mother, then she is a woman, not "other" person. How hard can it be for educated people in 2024 to grasp that scientific fact?

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