Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Trump is a threat to the ruling class

"Trump is the greatest threat to this ruling class since Richard Nixon. He has therefore aroused more raw political passion than anyone in recent memory. Making him a convicted felon is a calculated gamble to keep him from returning to the White House. There is a risk it could backfire. But the ruling class knows that Trump is entirely alone in the political establishment. He has the support of millions of voters—almost certainly a plurality of the American people. But he is opposed by virtually all of the influential social, economic, political, and cultural interest groups that determine the outcome of elections.
When most elected Republicans and conservatives accepted the legitimacy of the globalist interpretation of the 2020 election, they abandoned the rule of law for hundreds of American citizens. These citizens were called insurrectionists and were denied basic rights by a Congress and courts that funded and conducted what was clearly an elaborately staged hoax."

I'm not familiar with this author, but it's almost word for word that I've been thinking since 2020. Trump made some huge mistakes with Covid probably because he, like the rest of us, didn't think about how deep the swamp went--into science and medicine and public health. He saw the opportunity to be a hero and make all those haters like him. Ha. First they said he's done all the wrong things (by following the advice of the swamp creatures) but they had a plan. By manipulating us, they could steal the election. Then Biden and Boys doubled down an caused more deaths than there ever were in 2020. Biden will never be able to bring us to 2019 in health, wealth, happiness, respect from world leaders, labor participation, true progress for minorities and respect for women. And nothing could have made me see Trump as a world class orator and brilliant thinker, however, Biden has done that one accomplishment.

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