Tuesday, November 01, 2005

1703 Looking for boomer-bloggers

As you can see from my links, I haven't been terribly successful in linking to the over 50 crowd. I know they are out there--after all, the oldest baby boomer is now 60 and there's a whole bunch more coming up that want to look good for their grandchildren. Some of my over-50 are in other linkages, like Homespun Bloggers, and usually I don't link twice. Some, like Murray, are shy, quiet and soft spoken and rarely post (joke alert). Others, like Eric, are just so busy enjoying retirement/consulting that they only occasionally post. Mr. Cloud, a retired Canadian school teacher, stays very busy and his blog is a popular meeting ground to chat and look at photos, and Bonita always has carefully researched things to offer. Now I've added Randy Kirk, who bless him, has three blogs. He's also a writer and an entrepreneur and a Christian, so he fits well in my links.


Cathy said...

Give me two month and I will hit that significant milestone of 50.

Norma said...

Oh goody.

Anvilcloud said...

Hey Norma, this baby boomer is 58. Anytime after the war doncha know? Not just from 1950. They were bust building new schools for me and my bustling crowd.

Anyway, we over-50 bloggers may be few in number, but we're so darn interesting. Eh? (That's a big Canadian eh, Eh?)

Norma said...

You're so right. I'll correct that.

Bonita said...

Welcome, Randy...and I'm old but eager to learn! I'd be Anvilclouds perennial student, if I was in his class.

Randy Kirk said...

Thanks for the boost, Norma. Have actually begun posting to a new blog. Http://help4smallbusiness.blogspot.com. It is an unabashed attempt to stimulate sales for my upcoming Warner Book Release. However, it is designed only for those who are now or would some day like to be business owners.

Again, much thanks. Keep up the eclectic assortment of posts.

Not admitting to being over 50, never mind the 3 grandkids and one on the way.