Is she kidding?

I know she's a liberal, but blind, deaf and dumb, too? How does this woman survive with so many talented pundits trying to get her job? [She's not in this magazine--I just liked the cover.] The Republican roster, even including the ones I don't care for, like Rudy and McCain (mainly because of their messy personal lives), so far outshine the troika of Hillary, Obama and Johnny there's just no match. Hillary claims "change and experience." She's a has been before she gets to the gate. Who wants to go back to Bill running things and calling it a change? Edwards keeps whining about 2 Americas trying to paddle that canoe in the Great Society swamp, and Obama can't quite get the black folks to believe he's one of them (for very good reason).
Was I this silly when I was a liberal? Don't think so. I probably held my nose when voting for Bill.
Isn't Ellen Goodman the genius that equalled those of us who don't believe in man-made global warming with holocaust deniers?
I wish I could get paid for saying stupid things, though I'm obviously not as good at it as she is.
I read your blog; you have too much common sense to write a column for a major newspaper. Sorry. Next?
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