Thursday, December 13, 2007

Shelby Steele on Barack Obama

Shelby Steele's new book, "A bound man; why we are excited about Obama and why he can't win," suggests that black voters may reject him, not whites. I think you might want to buy the book because like the "Dewey defeats Truman" headlines in 1948, Steele might be wrong.
    ". . . Today we blacks have two great masks that we wear for advantage in the American mainstream: bargaining and challenging.

    Bargainers make a deal with white Americans that gives whites the benefit of the doubt: I will not rub America's history of racism in your face, if you will not hold my race against me. Especially in our era of political correctness, whites are inevitably grateful for this bargain that spares them the shame of America's racist past. They respond to bargainers with gratitude, warmth, and even affection. This "gratitude factor" can bring the black bargainer great popularity. Oprah Winfrey is the most visible bargainer in America today.

    Challengers never give whites the benefit of the doubt. They assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise. And whites are never taken off the hook until they (institutions more than individuals) give some form of racial preference to the challenger. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are today's best known challengers. Of course, most blacks can and do go both ways, but generally we tend to lean one way or another.

    Barack Obama is a plausible presidential candidate today because he is a natural born bargainer. Obama--like Oprah--is an opportunity for whites to think well of themselves, to give themselves one of the most self-flattering feelings a modern white can have: that they are not racist." Steele, The identity card
Review by Jason Riley here.


Anonymous said...

I listened to Steele this morning on Moyer's Journal. I was enchanted with the man's intellect and delivery. His notion of bargainer and challenger was as a light in an old mysterious closet for me. I have taught my student's for better than 20 years that America was steeped in racism and to deny that was to foster it. Steele has provided this old white teacher with an additional means of teaching the problems of race in America for my students.

IanRae said...

I saw Shelbey on Moyer's show as well. Fascinating stuff, but he never explained the "why Obama can't win" part. Is it because he won't get the black vote (since blacks in his model are suspicious of bargainners)?