They should also sue Jackson and Sharpton
The parents of Justin Barker who was beaten December 4, 2006 in Jena by the "Jena 6" plus others who were juveniles are suing the parents of the cowardly thugs who beat up their son. They should also include Jesse and Al, who decided to jump in and defend these young criminals to boost their flagging careers as so-called black leaders. These two old men are trying to get African Americans to blame others for their community problems. The criminal behavior of the kids (and their whiny moms) are increasing the danger that black Americans will be the victims. I'm just guessing, but what do you want to bet that the Jena 6 had already beaten up a few of their black peers before they took out their adolescent rage on Justin and weren't called to account for it?
- "Murder statistics can be misleading. Despite a modest 1.8% increase in homicides nationally in 2006 from 2005, the situation in many cities is more dire. Police chiefs report escalating street violence, particularly involving youngsters and gangs with guns.
Some startling trends can be seen in the latest national homicide data. From 2002 to 2006, the rate of murder committed by black male teens rose 52%, with a smaller but significant increase among black male young adults and black women. In contrast, there was no increase among whites of any age.
Gang-related homicides have crept upward in recent years, virtually returning to the peak of the early 1990s. Since 2002, gun killings have climbed 13% overall — but 42% among teens and 71% among black teenage males — while non-gun homicides have essentially remained unchanged."
I agree with you. I hope that Bill Cosby's new book, "Come On People: On the Path from Victims to Victors" will help everyone wake up. Apathy is a huge problem today, and we've got to find ways to break that cycle.
I decided not to write about this, I'm glad you did. I still get too angry about the whole thing.
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