Thursday, January 24, 2008

Theistic Evolution

Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man, says the banner of theistic evolution that many Christians wave (God used evolution as His method for creation) makes as much sense biblically as the phrase flaming snowflakes.

You've probably heard of Lyme Disease--nasty stuff. Starts out as a rash, then fatigue, chills, fever, headache, and muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes, moving right along to painful neck, dizziness, heart palpatations, arthritis in the knees, sleep disturbances and fatigue (according to the CDC site). You get that from a tick bite--but what you really get is an infection from a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. You see, the tick doesn't just grow a bacteria--first it bites an animal like a deer or mouse that has it. Ticks don't fly, they can't jump on the deer, and they rarely move more than a yard from where they are hatched. So they have to wait for the "host" animal to brush up against the weed where it has spent its little smarmy life just waiting. Ever wonder how it (or other bacteria, viruses, microbes, etc.) developed over millions of years if the deer or mice or weeds weren't also evolving with the same plan in mind? Sort of like those little methane microbes under the ocean I mentioned yesterday, without which our global temperature would be 50 degrees higher.

I can see why atheists want to believe in evolution. But Christians? It really isn't even rational that an omnipotent God would bumble through billions and billions of years of mistakes and trial and error just so a deer could brush up against a piece of grass waving in the wind with a tick who never left home. To say nothing of the fact there was no disease until Adam sinned. So what were the little buggers passing along?


Unknown said...

God said He created in 6 days so we should believe what HE SAID and not debate about it. While I believe in literal at the same time the Bible did mention that God's time is not the same as our time. All I do at this point is believe what He said whether it is literal or someone's interpration of God's time, God did it in 6 days now matter how you look at it. As God said:"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.' " Isaiah 55:8-9

Anonymous said...

Except that there was no Adam.

Norma said...

Whether you personally believe Adam is a myth, metaphor or man, matters not to me. That's between you and God. Both Roman Catholics and most Prostestants teach the universal sinfulness of mankind through Adam. Even those like anabaptists who pay little attention to original sin will still teach Adam rebelled and there was no death before that. How old earth creationists/ intelligent design folk reconcile this I don't know--I suspect they just prefer not to think about all the theology in the NT they mess up. The contortions are painful when you read modern theologians struggle with evolutionary theory (which also keeps changing).