Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Desperate and dateless in Michigan

Let's see. A failing economy. High unemployment. Tax increases. And a female leader at the wheel. That's the formula Republicans should be pointing out in Michigan, but they won't. They're giving the same happy talk you hear from Democrats! Jennifer Granholm, Michigan’s Democratic governor, just keeps doing more of the same. A real 1960s-1970s sort of gal (although I have no idea how old she is.) Tax her way out of the highest unemployment rate in the country; chase away the population that still earns money; cater to the unions. Is this the "change" the Dems keep talking about for the national level.

They always win in Michigan:
    1992 Clinton
    1996 Clinton
    2000 Gore
    2004 Kerry
Why bother? They just don't get it up north.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michigan was the seat of Reagan Republicanism in the 1980s and went for Reagan and Bush I. There was a Democratic governor then named Jim Blanchard. That was when the state first started bleeding to death.

When they went Democratic for president a Republican named Fat John Engler was governor. That was when the state when into shock.

Michigan has lots of horrible problems and very few have to do with party affiliation.