Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lakeside 2008, Presidential Elections lectures

This series is being offered at 10:30 in the Green Room of the Fountain Inn by Justin Vaughn, Asst. Prof., Cleveland State (PhD from Texas A&M). Yesterday's topic was how the media influences the elections and today's was on the Electoral College (which no one likes, but no one gets rid of).

Prof. Vaughn has really, really tried to be non-partisan and not let his biases show. He's done better than most, with a minimum of asides. But golly miss molly, you just have to watch those verbs and adjectives! For instance, yesterday he talked about how FDR "used" the media to his advantage (for 4 terms, I might add, he colluded with the press to hide his polio disability), but in the next breath it was how Nixon "manipulated" the media with his Checkers (dog) story. Today when discussing the electoral system, he said, Bush "was awarded" the presidency, and that he was "considered the president" by that system. Well, Prof. Vaughn, that is OUR system. He won. If it had been popular, in my opinion, he would have also won, because Illinois and Washington would have had to get those dead people off the rolls for the recounts.

Vaughn began the seminar today by asking had anyone watched CNN yesterday and what the big story was. Jesse Jackson, someone called out. (Many up here don't have cable or broadcast access, or choose not to watch while on vacation, so some were clueless.) So in summing up yesterday's topic, he said that what Jackson said off camera about wanting to castrate Obama for talking down to black men was "stupid" and it was really a trivial news story.

Was that really the big story? Or was it how the media protected Jackson by not criticizing him, or even repeating what he said. Just kept repeating his apology. What if this had been Rev. Rod Parsley or Dr. James Dobson? Do you suppose in the wildest stretch of your most liberal imagination that the press would have danced around this hateful, evil remark? White media figures have been fired for saying much less. Black hip hopsters get to say ho ho ho away we go, but not whitey.

The second half of the story is that Jackson has said many of the same things about family values (not too sincerely, since he has a love child) that Obama said, and the white liberals haven't fallen into his arms and called him wonderful counselor, mighty one, lord most high. He has brow beat and black-mailed American CEOs with boycott threats into hiring more blacks and never got a lick of thanks from white liberals. He knows he was supposed to be the first black president and this wimp raised in Hawaii who went to private schools, raised by white folk, gets it instead. Man, he's one mad dude.

Yes, Prof. Vaughn, it is media bias, but you need to dig a bit deeper on this story. And watch those verbs.

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