Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Even geeks can be evil

Or he just has a lot of dirt on someone.
    “Officials have arrested a city of San Francisco IT network administrator for locking up a multimillion-dollar city computer system, according to several reports stemming from a press conference with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris. The employee, Terry Childs, 43, is accused of improperly tampering with computer systems and causing a denial of service, effectively locking out other top city administrators from the critical network.

    Police believe Childs, as an employee of the city's Department of Technology, set up his own secret password that grants him exclusive access to the city's new FiberWAN (wide area network), and according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle, Childs gave police fake pass codes and refused to give up his own -- even while in jail. He is reportedly being held on a US$5 million bail.” See story at Technology News
And he has a criminal record for aggravated robbery and burglary--which city officials knew about. Isn’t California groovy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised they have not elected him mayor.