We have already helped them with their mortgage payments, buying cars, appliances, food, and weatherizing their homes. Then there are the bank and auto bailouts, Obamacare, and massive PORK spending all of which our children will have to pay for. Obama has only scratched the surface and he's still itching. Cap and Trade and Amnesty are coming up.
It has become quite obvious that Obama will lie, use deception, props, stage town hall meetings with planted questions and fake doctors, plus present people with hard luck health stories that are only partially true but are molded to sell his agendas. The only interview he has had where hard questions were asked was with Brett Baier of Fox News and it was a bust. Obama refused to answer the questions. Brett was criticized for interrupting the President in an attempt to simply get him to answer the questions. For Obama to answer them honestly, he would have to expose his massive destruction of our Republic.
The Stupak Eleven diversionary tactic on abortion was just to take the focus away from all the ugly things buried deep within the Obamacare bill. It worked. Ask yourself, if Obamacare is a good plan then why does Obama find it necessary to keep running around the country continually selling it after it was rammed through? There is no doubt that Obama will say anything to sell his agendas. Do not listen to what he says, but do pay attention to the results! They aren't the same."

I wonder what the props will be for cap and trade. Little windmills? Coal mine hats with no lights? Talking to us in the dark? It will really be hard to beat that phony white coat act.
I wonder how you will explain it too. Will you blame one side for everything? Most likely. Will you take resposibility for your part in ruining their future through your action or in actions. I think one statement says it all in your thinking. Your prefere faith to spirituality. Faith allows you to assume everything but resposibility. What has happened to the future has happened with your blessings but you only see the faults of others, never admitting or realizing your part in it. Because your faith in your righteousness. No single party, politician, movement or group moved this society to it current state. But keep sleeping and blaming...at least it will make you feel better and allow you to still look them in the eye when you explain why your faith wasn't a replacement for action nor figuring out the truth.
Good day and peace be with you in coming turmoil.
I guess the election didn't go your way, but you read my blog--you know I'm an equal opportunity blamer and that I used to be a Democrat just like you and take full responsibility for my bad decisions and votes. And the turmoil is already here.
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