Monday, April 12, 2010

Therapeutic Clinical Tools for Social Workers

This is a workshop taught at Ohio State University. Can you imagine the outrage if the observances, aims, and good works advocated in Christianity were taught as a clinical tool by a state university? Even something as universal as the 10 commandments, the basis for our entire legal system, would get thrown out. If you read through the announcement, you'll see what many Christians refuse to see--that Yoga isn't just about breathing, flexibility and positive thinking. It is offering yourself to another god.


Yoga philosophy is healing and therapeutic. It is an excellent tool kit for motivating clients to live in the moment and cultivate change in a positive way. This beginner, intermediate or advanced training, depending on your level of enthusiasm and flexibility, will explore the Yamas (ethical codes), the Niyamas (observances or restraints) and the four aims of life, the Purushartas. These three practices will channel human fulfillment, lead you to success and balance, and provide you with a guide for awareness in our actions, thoughts and deeds. This training will provide you the clinician, a different perspective to instill to your clients."

For a further explanation of the Purushartas, check out the Hinduism web page.

Yoga as a Therapeutic Clinical Tool for Social Workers :: College of Social Work

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