The leftist media can say "Bush regime" thousands of times during his administration (a search of the Nexis database for "Bush regime" yields 6,769 examples from January 20, 2001 to the present) to proclaim their dislike, demean the war effort, and throw out road blocks to fight terrorism at home and abroad, but if Rush Limbaugh says "Obama regime," he becomes a racist who is accusing Obama of nefarious behavior, an act needing more government regulation of free speech. Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are somehow a threat to the most powerful man in the world, a man supported uncritically by the little watched broadcast media and cable news and opinion shows, leader of the formerly most wealthy country in the world just by criticizing him.
Meanwhile, the federal appeals court today has ruled that the FCC doesn't have the authority to require "net neutrality." This is not a ruling about the good guys and bad guys of free speech, but big and bigger. Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and eBay all have lobbied for net neutrality and stand to profit from it. This court ruling is a setback not only for the Obama administration, but also for Obama's corporate allies in the fight according to the Washington Examiner.
You are so dumb! Criticizing Bush was just patriotic because he was a rich white capitalist. Attacking a rich black guy is obviously racism, regardless of what he says, or does, or believes because everything is about race not behavior.
Carville is wearing make-up to appear that someone has beaten him. If Palin isn't supposed to use target imagery in her political free and protected speech, how come he gets to be such a tough guy, battle scarred in his protected speech?
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