Thursday, June 07, 2012

Three lessons from the Wisconsin recall

“There are three important lessons from the Wisconsin collective bargaining battles over the past eighteen months:

1. The power of the government-sector unions and their impact on elections is greatly overestimated. With a victory for Gov. Walker, Wisconsin Government employee union will have suffered their fifth major defeat since March 2011.

2. When given a choice, government employees will quit their union in large numbers.

3. Government employees' salaries and benefits, particularly pensions, are financially unsustainable in most states and collective bargaining reform is needed.”

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Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
At one time I considered Unions a "necessary evil". Now I just consider them evil!

Norma said...

Like many social reforms, unions served a purpose, but once met, there was nothing to do but expand the demand for changes. It happens with causes, taxes, non-profits, and campaigns for change. If breast cancer were cured tomorrow, there would still be "races" to do something about it because it is such a huge industry with such a tiny amount going for research.