Thursday, January 24, 2013

Backwards, March!

“When one hears the President of the United States use his inaugural address to favorably cite the most infamous phrase associated with the disastrous Neville Chamberlain — that would be “peace in our time” — there can only be trouble ahead.

The mechanics for this march backwards to failure are already in place.

First and foremost is the Orwellian use of his language. Tyranny is freedom. Collectivism is liberty. “Together” is shorthand for government control.”

American Spectator

1 comment:

Norma said...

From Patriot Post: "Obama devoted the body of his inaugural agenda to the evisceration of the Liberty proclaimed in our Declaration and codified in our Constitution.

It is not that Obama's overt intent was to shred our Constitution, per se. It is that he subscribes to the errant notion of a "living constitution," one that can be twisted to mean whatever he and his Leftist cadres want it to mean in order to comport with their statist agenda. In other words, he subscribes to the rule of men over Rule of Law."