Monday, June 22, 2020

Censorship is coming from Big Tech, not government

“Conservatives have long complained about bias at Big Tech companies like Amazon and Google. The Heritage Foundation experienced this firsthand when YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, censored our video featuring a former transgender individual. YouTube claimed that six words spoken at a three-hour Heritage event violated its “hate speech” policy. Heritage issued a strong rebuke and posted a new video contesting YouTube’s censorship. It’s not just Heritage facing these challenges. Amazon is doubling down on its policy that prohibits customers from donating proceeds from their purchases to well-established conservative nonprofits like the Family Research Council and the Alliance Defending Freedom. Heritage President Kay C. James called out Amazon for allowing customers to donate to Planned Parenthood but excluding conservative organizations. “A piece of free advice for Amazon’s board of directors: I’ve served on several corporate boards during my career, and it’s just bad business to alienate upwards of half of your customers,” “

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